

A gig at Cusqueña


  • Client

    AB InBev

  • Brand


  • Campaign

    A gig at Cusqueña

  • Services

    Strategy, Creative Idea, PR, Production, Content Production.


During the pandemic, more than 1.5 million Chileans lost their jobs.

Others saw their incomes reduced, leading to discontent and uncertainty in society in the face of a fragile economic situation that had been going on since the social unrest in the country.

How can we get Chileans to continue celebrating pleasure?

In a highly complex context such as the pandemic, where needs changed and the economy did not help us, we need to pay tribute to our purpose by encouraging people not to ignore something as important as the pleasures of life.


We are looking for a taster of pleasure

We are opening a call for the best job in the world. To be a Taster of Cusqueña pleasure, with a fixed salary, for one year. Rewarding people who know the importance of giving pleasure the place it deserves.

The Numbers



(1% of the Chilean population)





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