

Reality calls you


  • Client


  • Brand


  • Campaign

    Reality calls you

  • Services

    Strategy, Creative Concept, Production, Social Content, Influencer Management, Paid Media.

  • Awards

    IAB MIXX Bronze for Efficiency


Like every year, TECHO had to carry out its donation campaign. In a year where most donations decreases, we decided to raise awareness of a problem that the foundation faces every day and thus show the importance of its work for thousands of people.


Every year TECHO receives hundreds of calls from different neighborhoods in Uruguay. Behind these calls are stories of families, of people, of needs. To relate them in a relevant way, we called on some of the most famous writers in our country and to interpret them some of the most recognized actors.

The Numbers




Conversion Rate vs. benchmark of the brand


the CPV vs. benchmark of the brand


donations vs. anual average.


We achieved one of the most renowned campaigns of the brand with the participation of some of the most important names in the culture of our country. Thus we increased donations surpassing all the brand’s expectations.

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