

If you drink, ask for water


  • Client

    AB InBev

  • Brand


  • Campaign

    If you drink, ask for water

  • Services

    Strategy, Creative Conceptualization, Production, Conversation, Social Listening.

  • Awards

    Campana de Oro,, Effie Latam Finalist,, Ojo de Iberoamérica Finalist.


Alcohol consumption in Uruguay is higher than the world’s average. Beer represents 55% of the total alcoholic beverages consumed in the country.

Both experts and consumers agree, “moderation” is subjective, completely dependent on a drinker’s ability to know and understand their own limits accordingly. “Moderation” is not easily quantified. It depends on the physical and mental characteristics of the consumer, the occasion, and the social and environmental context (ABI Stakeholder Research, 2015).


We took a responsible habit that wasn’t firmly rooted in the society and made it culture.

We want leisure and enjoyment moments to be memorable and not overshadowed by alcohol abuse. We launched “if you drink, ask for water”, a social movement by AB InBev that seeks to change the culture by inviting people to ask for water when drinking alcohol.

The Numbers



came from earned media.


habit increment

in only two months.


We made the brand’s most important campaign of the year and with greatest reach, and the main alcohol companies joined us.

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