

Becker TV


  • Client

    AB Inbev

  • Brand


  • Campaign

    Becker TV

  • Services

    Strategy, Creative Concept, Content Production, Talks.


Entertaining youth during quarantine.

During the first months of quarantine, the leisure time of young people increased, as did their connection to digital platforms; on the other hand, entertainment activities decreased.


We’ve created a livestream animated by Pollo Castillo once a week where he interacts and participates with the audience.

Becker, set out to entertain its audience, while staying at home, creating a show completely focused on them. Joining some of the most prominent entertainment influencers in Chile, along with guests from different areas (cooking, dance, music, etc.) and linking to current trends, such as the challenges that emerged in quarantine and online classes, we created a show for youth entertainment.

The Numbers


total live viewers


simultaneous viewers

+0live requests to participate


A show with high audience participation and iconic challenges.

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