



  • Client


  • Brand


  • Campaign


  • Services

    Strategy, Creative Concept, Production, Paid Media.


How can we raise awareness on breast cancer during a pandemic?

For the fifth year in a row, Issue and Fuca come together to raise awareness about Breast Cancer, but this time with the challenge of doing so in the time of Covid-19. We decided to use the closeness between people caused by the pandemic and bring it to our campaign. #TodasJuntas intends to create a chain of awareness.


We launched a message with referents and celebrities, a call to action to make it clear that the best way to raise awareness about the early detection of breast cancer is by fighting #TodasJuntas.

All women must be checked annually but it is not enough just to get tested, each woman must be responsible for motivating those around her, mothers, sisters, friends, daughters, or any other woman.

The Numbers


Reach (Social Media).




Clicks to site.


followers en IG vs september.

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